The Natural Affinity Garden for Aspens


Chelsea Flower Show



Aspens is a charity which supports people on the autism spectrum and with learning disabilities and the garden focuses on the connection between nature and health and well-being

The curved nature of the design reflects the neurons/plants roots spreading through the garden from the nucleus seating area. Each planting zone targets specific senses and every aspect of the planting has been included for sensory stimulation.

There is a calming colour palette to encourage wildlife and provide a peaceful, tranquil natural haven to be enjoyed by Aspens' community. After the show it will be relocated to Aspens in Kent to be used by the charity's residents and visitors who are on the autism spectrum, with learning disabilities or who have complex needs.

The Garden Beyond

Our countryside border is a modern interpretation of how traditional agricultural farming materials can be re-purposed in a countryside garden. It distils how a modern-day garden design can evoke a feeling of the countryside in a way that is achievable and sympathetic to countryside surroundings, but also sustainable - re-using and re-purposing everyday agricultural materials.

A collaboration with designer and friend Lyndan Brewer.

Award: Professionals Choice Award.

Belvoir Castle
